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Searching on Chest and/or Lung is confusing and leads to inaccurate results

I did a search on CT & Lung and got 731 cases. Seemed a bit light to me, as I though LIDC had about 1000 cases. (I didn’t expect NLST as those are restricted.) But within that, I looked for LIDC and came up with none! I then went back for a new search, cleared all and checked LIDC – got 1010 patients. Then checked CT, got same number. Then checked lung and got zero! I do think these are all lung and they are public – why don’t they show up? I looked closer and they are called “chest”
This is a problem. The descriptor for all is “lung” and some of these don’t show up at all when you ask for lung images!

PJ , 30.06.2015, 03:36
Idea status: under consideration


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